Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Entry 52

 Leonardo Drew's Number 47

Leonardo is an instillation artist whom has chosen to add human subjects to his composition. Whether he designed the lighting himself or with the aid of another lighting designer, the piece Number 47 is a wonderful example of a unique use of contrast. Contrast with light is often about either the differences in a harsh bold light and the hard bold shadows it creates, or it is about the contrasting colors of the lights. This scene is a mix of the two the sharp contrast is created by the bright yellow light and the dark black areas it is unable to illuminate. Non of the actors on stage cast dark shadows, but their black clothing does reflect of the stages surface to ground the actors in a similar fashion to the shadow. The light in the background creates contrast by illuminating a section of highly reflective objects and keeping the other areas of the stage cast in darkness. This helps the illuminated wall of items push out and create a background, middle-ground, and foreground

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